
Posts Tagged ‘personal brand’

Many of you may roll your eyes at the thought of appearance playing a key role in your career.  Philosophically it shouldn’t.  In reality it does.

The beginning of a new calendar year is always a time for resolutions and changes.  Resolve to appraise your professional image and make changes if they are warranted.

Your cover letter was an attention grabber.  Your resume impressive.  You aced your telephone interview garnering you an in-person interview.  You arrived for the interview ten minutes prior to the appointed time prepared with copies of your resume, a list of references, and note taking equipment.  You offered a firm handshake and looked everyone in the eye.  You answered all their questions confidently then you asked researched questions of them.  You were proactive in asking the next steps prior to exiting.  You sent thank you notes reiterating your interest.  You are now racking your brain as to why you haven’t heard back – or worse you received the form letter stating another candidate was chosen for “your” position.  What happened?

Human Resource professionals tell the same story over and over.  The candidate is well-qualified yet the image they are projecting does not fit the corporate culture.  All industries agree that you should lean on the conservative side of attire on the first impression.  Companies want you to fit in, not stand out.

What if you have the job but are trying to advance in your career?  Dress one click above the position you are seeking.  The corporate pendulum is swinging away from the casual day attire, too.  Even if it is causal Friday wear the corporate logo shirt with pressed khakis and real shoes, not jeans and sandals or athletic shoes.  If you have to receive an email reminder of appropriate attire every time “guests will be in the building,” perhaps you need to take a closer look in the mirror.

Success depends on how you are perceived by others.  Don’t complain about the unfairness of it; use it to your advantage.

From BeyondManners at http://www.beyondmanners.com

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